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Movement Research 2020/2021


Staging Rage was an 8-month  research in Malta and Amsterdam that aimed to construct a physical method that could channel the state of rage without censorship.


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Image and page background Charlene Galea

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The research was funded by the Arts Council Malta.


The research worked on three fronts.

Firstly, a solo investigation by the artist herself.

Next, it branched into workshop-explorations in Malta and Amsterdam with a small group of performers. The final stage involved the sharing of research outcomes by showing some of the theatrical/scenic material of the work for a select invited audience.

Finally a RAGE MANIFESTO you can download below.

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Miguel Formosa

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All above images by Rebecca Gauci

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Concept Development, Research, Body and Documentation: Ruth Borg
Workshop Participants (Malta): Dominic Dimech, Miguel Formosa, Deborah Falzon, Julienne Schembri and Emilia Figiel.

Workshop Participants (Netherlands):

Scenographic Research: Erik van de Wijdeven 

Dramaturgy: Bas van Dongen

Workshop Advisor: Esmee Begemann

Mentor: Aitana Cordero 

This project could come to life with the support of : Arts Council Malta, Spazju Kreattiv and Amsterdamse Hogeschool Voor de Kunsten.

Gratitude to everyone who was around me at this time supporting and cheerleading me.

Click on image to play

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